Remember, there is no pressure on you to get people to play. If you just want to play the smarter way yourself that's ok, some people do, its entirely your decision. However, as you know this way of playing greatly increases your chance of winning the lotto you will find people actually thank you for introducing them to the concept.
See what these professional experienced network marketers are saying
"I have been in business for 38 years. This is the easiest and best concept I've ever known.”
(Noel Adams - 38 Years experience)
"Networking heaven!... This is as good as it gets"...
(Ian Orford - 23 years experience)
"It is the most exciting company I've seen in 20 years of networking on both sides of the Atlantic."...
(Malcolm Horsey - 20 years experience)
"Nothing has excited me more than VWD..."
(Ray St. Claire - 15 years experience
You play the lottery, your friends and family probably play the lottery so why not show them a better way to play.
That's how I started to build my downline and the cool thing is they started to spread the word around their friends too which resulted in my team growing rapidly.
As an affiliate you have access to a wide range of marketing products such as business cards, flyers and even DVD's which can be handed out to people who don't have internet access.
I have business cards which I carry with me all the time. While I'm out and about I make a point of asking people I meet if they play the lottery. Regardless of the answer I hand them a card anyway because usually they will be curious and have a look at the web site.
I've even recruited a few people at the local shop where they were buying their tickets over the counter. I already know they play the lottery so I will say something along the lines of :
"Hi, I noticed you bought a lottery ticket, would you be interested in finding out how you can increase your chances of winning."
Most people agree they would so I just hand them my card, point out my website address and phone number and ask them to have a look. Its that simple.
Do I make it sound too easy?
See what other members are saying
Posted by madsuzukibiker 2 comments
eVo-lution Day is Coming
What is eVo?
Click EDIT above to add content to this empty capsule.
Just received an e-mail about a new and exciting business opportunity for which many great affiliates and business opportunists are signing up. Its called eVo, and its been 2 years in the making by the people who brought you the highly successsfull eLottery Syndicate.
The e-mail contains a pre-launch info pack for existing members of the E-Lottery syndicate, to enable them to gain an advanced foothold in this tremendous opportunity to create a massive income before it's made available to the general public.
As you know if you have read my previous hubs the E-Lottery Syndicate has over 147,000 members in more than 133 countries. These members have now been awarded their own eVo web site free of charge to enable them to cash in on the latest, most powerfull, money making enterprise on the internet.
I am making it available to you now BUT BE QUICK!
The web site has been running just 1 week and already in the first 3 days
* 34,706 copies of the "Insider Report have been downloaded.
*2.3 people on average pre-registered every MINUTE. Thats 1 SIGN-UP EVERY 26 SECONDS!
If you are a network marketer, home business operator or on-line gaming enthusiast you WILL want to be part of this
It combines on-line games entertainment with social networking. Two of the biggest growth areas on the internet, game players will be able to make substantial money.
This is YOUR opportunity to cash in on an enormous business trend
Don't miss it!
See for yourself. You will kick yourself if you don't
Technorati Profile
Posted by madsuzukibiker 0 comments
With a record jackpot of £42 million GBP the UK National Lotto is one of the worlds richest,lump-sum, tax-free lotteries.
Its played twice a week on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, and both draws are televised live on the BBC.
When you join as a player member, you are instantly allocated a place in a 49 player UK Syndicate and e-mailed a virtual E-Lottery Membership Card
The card shows your 5 Lotto numbers randomly picked from 1 to 49 which are entered automatically in every Wednesday and Saturday UK Lotto draw for you
After each draw your numbers are automatically checked and your winnings are sent directly to you by your preffered method.
You will be sent an e-mail informing you of the numbers drawn on each day and, an additional e-mail will be sent should you have matched any winning numbers informing you as a winner and asking you to log on to your web site
If you've played the UK Lotto before, you're probably thinking
" Hang on a minute. The UK Lotto is played with 6 numbers from 49, not 5 "
And you'd be right.
Thats the clever thing about the only need to play with 5 numbers.
This is because your 5 numbers, "Main" numbers we call them, are combined with a variable 6th number in a strict mathematical pattern - so you know before every UK Lotto draw you're going to match at least 1 number.
So with one less number than normal to have to match, your chances of scooping a top prize increase from 1 in 14 million to only 1 in 1.9 million
a 702% greater chance of scooping the jackpot !
Now Thats What I Call An Advantage!
Another great thing is you will qualify for a prize when you match only 2 Main numbers.
For this System to work requires 44 ( no, not 49 as you might think) single line entries in each UK Lotto draw
This means you have 44 chances of winning in every draw! With draws on Wednesday and Saturday thats a remarkable
88 Chances of a Win Every Week
The 44 entries in every draw harness the capability of whats called the systems MULTI - WIN METHOD
Incredibly, when you win, you never win just one prize..... You win up to 44 prizes!
An Example of the Multi-Win Method
Wednesday 6th June 2007
If you played the UK Lotto on this particular date on your own and matched 4 Main numbers you would have a better than usual win of £103. Not bad eh?
Not as good as the E-Lotto Syndicate win you would receive which would have been £211.71, more than double!
HOW DO WE ACHIEVE THIS MASSIVE DIFFERENCE? matching just 4 "Main" numbers this revolutionary system gives you :
2 Lines of 5 Ball wins AND 42 Lines of 4 Ball Wins
Now, because of the unique way the E - Lottery Syndicate works, the TOTAL PRIZE FUND for our 49 Syndicate Members was a MASSIVE £10,374 for matching just 4 numbers!
Divided equally between the 49 Syndicate Members gives an individual prize of £211.71 each ,
Thats £108.71 more than you would have received had you played on your own.
Still not registered yet?
Check out our Main E-Lottery web site here now and you can have a free entry to win £1000
What are you waiting for?......You have nothing to lose, it wont cost you anything to look and you
will have a chance to win £1000 for free .......but most importantly.... it could quite possibly
change your lifestyle forever!
Posted by madsuzukibiker 1 comments
The cost to play the EuroMillions lottery using the E-Lottery Multi-Win Syndicate System is £5.00 per week, but with a little help from your friends you can play it for FREE.
To play the Euro Millions lottery on your own requires you to select 7 numbers.
You need 5 "Main" numbers in the range from 1-50, and you also have to pick 2 lucky star numbers between 1 and 9.
You will be placed in a Syndicate of 39 players , and get allocated 5 randomly generated main numbers between 1 and 50.
The Syndicate system gives you 36 entries consisting of 5 main numbers
Every lucky star number combination between 1 and 9 is covered by the system.
When playing on you own you must match at least 1 main number and 2 lucky stars or 2 main numbers and 1 lucky star to win.
You get NOTHING for matching just 1 or 2 main numbers .
However with the E-Lottery Multi-Win Syndicate System if you match 1 or 2 correct main numbers you will win a prize.
The syndicate automatically produces a 1 or 2 star winning combination for any number of correct main balls...... Sound confusing?
Check out the demonstration HERE
Seen the Demo?
Good now you understand why its called
The Multi Win Syndicate :-)
Below is an example of an actual Euro Millions Draw result on 23rd February 2007
Match 1 number & 2 stars £5.80
Match 2 numbers & 1 star £6.10
Match 2 numbers & 2 stars £11.60
Match 3 numbers £13.20
Match 3 numbers & 1 star £16.80
Match 3 numbers & 2 stars £32.70
Match 4 numbers £82.30
Match 4 numbers & 1 star £130.60
Match 4 numbers & 2 stars £1,966.00
Match 5 numbers £52,721.70
Match 5 numbers & 1 star £161,010.40
Match 5 numbers & 2 stars £19,003,239. (Jackpot)
The jackpot was not won on this draw :-(
Now, if your syndicate had matched 5 main balls in this euromillions draw you wouldn't have just won £52,721.70.
Your syndicate would have won the Jackpot of £19,003,239. plus 14 x £161.010.40. plus 21 x
That's a total Multi Win of £22,364,540.30
(22 million three hundred and sixty four thousand five hundred and forty pounds!)
Divided by the syndicate members it would mean YOUR share would be £573,449.75
A little bit more than if you had played on your own dont you think?
I think this proves what I have been saying, you will win more money, more consistantly by playing in our Syndicate than if you play on your own.
Check it out here Multi Win Method Explained
P.S Before I forget, I've noticed a lot of hits from abroad so just to let you know the Lottery web site can be changed to a variety of languages to make it easier to read.
Posted by madsuzukibiker 0 comments
Labels: Eurolottery, euromillions
Lottery Winners Club E Lottery Syndicate

Would you like to play the Official UK National Lottery (Lotto), 88 times a week from anywhere in the world for free?
Of course you would, you'd be mad not to, this a scam?
Well I can tell you my initial thought was, it's got to be a scam, I mean come on, how can you possibly play 88 lines on the Lotto for free. You don't need to be Einstein to work out that 88 entries would cost you £88 so there must be a catch.
My curiosity aroused, I decided to visit the website to see how the claims matched up and I can say I was impressed. This is NOT some fly by night scam site promising huge wealth, rather a community of like minded people (over 147,000 to date) with a common interest of playing the Lotto with a greater chance of a jackpot win and a genuine opportunity to play for free if they so wish.
Now, this web site is amazing you just have to see it to believe it. Everything is explained in full detail. There are no catches, no cons, just good honest information on how you can join,with over 147,000 people playing the Official UK Lotto and the Euro Millions the smarter way.
Ok. I've been playing the Lotto since it started in 1994 and I have never matched more than 4 numbers but still I continued because as the saying goes "you must be in it to win it"...... I've just realised that's 13 years, I must have spent THOUSANDS chasing the dream......I bet YOU have too.
We have to sway the odds of a win in our favour but we can't do it on our own so what do we do?
Now, if this was a scam or a dodgy company do you seriously believe it would still be operating with all of the above to its credit? No, I don't think so.
Ok, at this point I guess you are a little interested but maybe not had a look on the site yet, don't worry, it costs nothing to look but I guarantee that you'll find this an opportunity too good to miss.
So, I bet you're thinking what does it cost for 88 entries into the Official UK Lotto and why have 88 entries anyway?
We play both weekly draws so you have 44 entries in the Wednesday Lottery and 44 entries in the Saturday Lottery.
That would cost you £88 per week to play on your own but WE pay just £5 per week.
That's £2.50 for the Wednesday Draw and £2.50 for the Saturday Draw. That's it. When you win you keep all your winnings, the Company takes NO COMMISSION WHATSOEVER.
There is NO MEMBERSHIP FEE, NO SIGNING UP FEE AND NO LONG TERM CONTRACT. If you decide not to play anymore for whatever reason just let us know and we'll respect your decision with no questions asked.
So, it's up to YOU to decide. Have a look at the website and see for yourself. It's the best way, most cost effective way, indeed
As a special Thank You for taking the time to read this I am giving you a
Just click the Grab a Grand logo above which will take you to the Free Grab a Grand competition for the next Lotto draw.
Here are some additional links explaining how the Lottery system works below.
Explains the UK Lotto Multi-Win System
Explains the Euromillions Multi-Win System
Wishing You The Very Best of Luck.
Posted by madsuzukibiker 0 comments
Labels: euromillions, lottery saturday, lottery wednesday, UK Lottery, vwd lottery
How To Play For Free Step 1
Is this a problem for you?
Think about it....... Thats over 20 MILLION PEOPLE just in the UK playing every week.
You can?
Good, we're on the same wavelength!
Can you IMAGINE how successful a business would be if its services were made available to a WILLING audience WORLDWIDE which, through the Global power of the internet enabled those customers to participate in your business?
Everyone knows what the lotto is.
If you are trying to sell the business you are doing it wrong.
people will not understand it, they will not believe you and it will raise more questions than it answers.
All you need to do is ask
“Do you want to join OUR syndicate”?
Sounds too easy? Well that simple question is exactly how Maureen Bell became a member.
“One day I received a call from Tony Gill and during the call he told me they had won the lottery at the weekend! I was delighted for them!
At this point he asked if I played the lottery, to which I answered NO. For five years I belonged to a syndicate for which I paid £5 a week. We won NOTHING and after five years the guy who ran it stopped – so I stopped!!
Tony then asked if I would like to belong to his syndicate, so I asked how much it was. He replied £5 a week BUT you got 88 ines – 44 on a Wednesday and 44 on a Saturday l told him I would join and would send him a cheque of £20 in advance every 4 weeks – to which he replied “You can join online"!
In my first year I earned almost £7,000! Not bad for a very part time business! In my second year I MORE THAN DOUBLED it, earning over £16,000. The following year I increased it again by over 25% to earn almost £21,000 (how many of you get a 25% rise in a year?)
This is my fourth year with the company and my income is about to TREBLE - I am on target to earn £65,000 - £70,000. THAT IS AN AMAZING BUSINESS!”
1. Before you do anything else your first goal should be to play in the UK lotto & EuroMillions effectively for FREE!
2. Talk to people!
So how do we do this?
basis, and we know one in four lottery jackpots are won by syndicates. It’s something everybody understands and likes to spend money on, and don’t people just love to talk about it?
How To Play for Free 2 (coming soon)
Posted by madsuzukibiker 0 comments
How To Become An Affiliate

Beware of Lottery Scammers
Check out the Fantastic Business Potential
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